Today is a good day for planting together!
Have you ever plant Apple seeds? Cantaloupe seeds?
Or Basil seeds?
We love planting together.
Sometimes we get our seedling from a plant nursery: we go and buy soil and pots, herbs and flowers. But we often like to try and see for ourselves how does a seed grow into a plant? How does a seed sprout?
We have a small balcony at our home, where we work and plant seeds, learn about plant life cycle and experience together the wonderful process of a sprout growing and becomes a plant (and here you can see how to grow a Pineapple plant with your kids!).
You can easily start planting, using almost any root, fruit, legume, onion or green onion that you have at home. If you wish to plant at another time, you can collect fruit/plant seeds and save them for the right moment. Most of the seeds will be good for planting even after days or years (just make sure to keep it in a dry place, we use a plain paper as an envelope, and write the date and the name of the plant)
Recently we have planted Apple seeds, Cantaloupe seeds, and Basil seeds.
We got our Basil seeds from our friend's Community Garden. Basil seeds are ready to harvest when the Basil flowers are dry. So we put the dry flowers in an envelope and wrote the seed type, date and where we got it from. Today we've separated the tiny seeds from the dry flowers. The kids enjoyed this work!
They could even smell the wonderful Basil smell while separating the seeds from the flower. Next, we have planted our Basil seeds in various containers. Soon we will update about the new seedlings!
Meanwhile Tell us, what are you planning to plant?
Our Cantaloupe seedlings love the whether
Our Basil is fresh and green,
Our Apple seedling is almost a young tree!
(update 30.05.20)