There are some art supply materials we think you should consider having at home. We like to see it as a pantry of cool stuff to work with. That way, the next time you will have a day off from work and school, or when you have a free afternoon or even just an hour to spend screen-free, you will grab some basic ingredients and create a lovely memory together.

1. Chipboard
One of our favorite and basic thing to have at home is a chipboard. Chipboard is thick cardboard, usually 100cmx70cm, made of recycled paper. Instead of using plain A4 white paper all the time (preferably re-used), sometimes we like to work on a chipboard and draw while we sit on it or sit next to it on the floor. While working with chipboard you can use pencils, gouache, or watercolor, and have a nice time drawing, coloring or writing. It’s nice to move around and use the whole place on the board. You don’t have to fill the entire board in one day, it’s nice to come back to your project after a day or more and continue working. We also use chipboard as a surface for the kid's animal-themed Playmobil set or dinosaurs figures, we drew a landscape and paint it together.

2. A variety of paints and pencils and markers
As you know, Rome wasn’t built in a day. We started our collection slow and safely. You don't have to buy everything at once, you will gradually increase your stock. We think it's nice to have many kinds of paints or pencils, from different places, periods or countries.
We love to use our paints while we work on chipboard.
Our list includes:
gouache: Usually we buy just the three basic colors: blue, red and yellow. It's much more fun to create your own pallet. We like to use coconut shells as a container to mix our colors.
Watercolor: Watercolor is great when you don’t have so much time, but your kid really wants to use brushes. Markers: We have some simple markers like Ikea felt-tip pens, some permanent markers, fabric markers, highlighters. Again, variety is fun.
